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Was super great service. They do everything they can to get on your project quickly and get you out the door. Really have enjoyed working with them over the years. They are a class act and so talented.

Alan Hedrick

Very friendly, they've been in business a long time and they know their stuff.

Jeremy Bass

Great folks, great service. If you need your golf cart fixed, I highly recommend them.

Bill Minter

Needed batteries, and I got them. Friendly people, good price.

Cindy Nash

Very nice people that runs this. They have one that I want so bad. They have a little bit of everything, you tell them what you want in there and they make it happen.

Brenda Jones

Fast, affordable and priced "to please." I absolutely recommend Creach for all your golf cart needs.

James Courtois

Great people and even better prices!


Great people, and great service.

Rob Riggs

Extremely helpful & friendly.

Amy Wardlow

Cart Mart of the area! Great repair service and extensive inventory.

Jason Baker

Knowledgeable and friendly!

Richard Ott

Friendly and helpful!

Justin Stephens

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